For those who do not know, the annual E3 is the largest video game conference on American shores. This year the big three came out swinging and here is the report on the winners, losers, surprises, and predictions for the year to come.
We begin by looking at Microsoft since they held the first press conference of this year’s E3. Not to anyone’s surprise, Microsoft announced an avatar system similar to Nintendo’s Miis and PS3’s Home system. The difference is Microsoft’s avatars actually look like a decent representation of people due to a new camera hookup, unlike Nintendo’s Miis, and the arena through which you could meet and greet people and play X-Box Live makes the Home system of the PS3 pale in comparison. Microsoft did exactly what it had to do to compete in the next year, take the competitions ideas and improve on them in ways that the X-Box 360 could handle. If only we could get rid of the damn red rings of death now…

Moving onto the 2nd day of E3, we look at the Nintendo press conference. Expectations were high for Nintendo to continue applying the pressure to the other two after their domination in the next gen wars with the Wii. It started off as expected, with typical numbers and graphs that lulled the audience into a light coma. Then the typical Nintendo big reveal was going to happen. Except it never did. They showed the skateboarding and snowboarding game that was expected for the balance board. That was nice, but where were the franchises? Where were the big reveals?

Speaking of packaging things together, the other reveal for Nintendo was Animal Crossing: Big City for the Wii. Again, a so-so game, but it will sell well because it is being packaged with a microphone. That’s right! Similar to Microsoft’s microphone, Nintendo is including a microphone with Animal Crossing for the Wii that will sit right on top of your Wii system. No headset. The microphone can pick up all sound in the room so that your parents can hear who you are talking to on the other side for when this hopefully becomes compatible with future fighting and sports games. Nintendo found a way to make the headset into a family friendly feature once again and that microphone will push the product.
Aside from the microphone and the Motion Plus accessory, there wasn’t a lot to be excited about for Nintendo. They did announce a GTA game for the Nintendo DS, and that should be great, but will still be a long way before we actually see it. Games that are coming out in the fall are games that are being released for all systems so there is not much other software to be excited about. I am tired of gimmicks from Nintendo and that they’re not giving the fans what they want. Someone start gearing a few games to the older audience. Knowing Nintendo it’ll probably be Wii Sex or something though because Nintendo is losing its focus on games. Imagine THAT lifelike experience. You could get a glove for solo action or something with a hole in it for multiplayer over the internet and with microphone they could talk dirty. For the ladies, a brand new, ribbed vibrating feature for the Wiimote, which now will come in neon pink and black of course. Okay so maybe that is a little extreme, but for a company that is all about taking risks, they sure get comfortable after one of them pans out like the Wii has. Overall, Nintendo dropped the ball at this year’s E3.
Finally, we look at the PS3. As mentioned earlier, Sony’s video game division is 3.3 billion dollars in debt. With Sony losing $400-$600 per system sold, they really had to stress software this E3 in order to have any hope of overcoming that debt before they have to declare bankruptcy. Oh boy! Did they deliver! First off: they announced at least another 120 titles to be released for the PS2 before the system is discontinued. A puzzling announcement to say the least, but considering anything sold for PS2 at this point is pure profit, it looks to be a move to try and cut back on that horrendous deficit. Especially since Sony announced that they are cutting the 80 GB PS3 to $400 in October so they will lose even more money on each of those units, Sony is really putting all their eggs into the software basket in the next year.

Overall, here are the grades for the game companies.
Microsoft: C+ : Nothing spectacular from Microsoft. They came out with a bunch of sequels to their powerhouse franchises and some upgrades to X-Box Live, such as the use of avatars, an advanced arena system, and a deal with Netflix to download movies onto the system. All are strong, but average, moves to remain constant in the video game wars and they get a plus for reacting quickly to their competitors’ moves.
Nintendo: D- : Nothing major from the main franchises. Just more gimmicks. They didn’t show off Star Wars or Ghostbusters like the other consoles did or even their up and coming projects like The Conduit (prediction for shooter of the year for 2010), or Mad World, which could be the next big sleeper hit right next to Killer 7 and No More Heroes. Dead Rising, a game that came out 2 years ago for X-Box, being ported over is not a big deal folks. Nintendo only keeps their head above water with the possibilities for the microphone and Motion Plus, but let’s stay away from the gimmicks next year, okay?
Sony: A- : Sony did exactly what it had to do to save itself. It showcased nothing but bombshells for games, many original titles, and just a few sequels sprinkled in to keep the faithful happy. The announcement that it won’t discontinue the PS2 yet caused a few groans amongst the audience because it means that Sony still isn’t fully geared into the PS3, but if these new games are a sign of things to come, Sony will be in great shape. They just have to keep their heads above water a little longer. It also means that more resources are being taken away from getting Home online, which is promised to launch in the next year, but still hasn’t been given a hard date. And a nice maneuver to counter the Microsoft/Netflix deal was that Sony has made deals with several picture companies themselves to have their movies downloadable for rent or purchase in both standard and Blu-Ray format. PS3 is still the cheapest Blu-Ray player on the market and when you add that hardware to this new software, Nintendo should be shaking, that’s for sure.
-Ray Carsillo