I have been dreading this review, bottomline. That is why even though the game came out nearly a month ago, I am just writing about it now. Let me explain the situation. I get to work one day about a month ago and there waiting for me is a package. I get all the jokes that someone is sending me anthrax or something because the rarity at which I receive packages is ridiculous. I open it up though like a kid on Christmas and from my good friends at Triple Point PR, I have a brand new version of Myst for the Nintendo DS. I am thrilled because it is a game that I was considering buying, but was thinking against it for the most part and now it did not matter. With renewed enthusiasm, I could not wait for my work day to end so I could play my new game. After an hour at home with the game, my spirit broken, I resigned to never play this game again.
First off, thank you to Paula at Triple Point for remembering me from the NY ComicCon and my work to send me this. Secondly, this game is not worthy of being played on my Nintendo DS. Myst came out 14 years ago with a lot of PCs as a way to show what the CD-ROM system could do and was revolutionary at the time. So many years later, this direct port shows what happens when video game companies become lazy. Although a few innovative features to take advantage of the DS’s dual touch screen abilities, this game is exactly the same as it was 14 years ago. Again, then it was amazing, now it is uninspired. The graphics are lackluster, the music is dull, the gameplay is jumpy at best, and because of the small screen size and lack of presentation upgrades, it is almost impossible to make anything out. I could not see the details that I needed to see in order to progress in Myst and since the original was so detail oriented, that poses a tremendous problem.
The game started a revolution 14 years ago, but like many revolutions just remember them for the good they brought and the progress they inspired, but let them remain in the past. No one wants to see the original Mario Bros. on the Wii now for $50 with one or two new features. If you want to pull something like that off, you need to revamp it in a way that is enjoyable to the player, much like New Super Mario Bros. for DS. It is similar to the original, but there are enough new things (including updated graphics and music, *hint hint* Myst manufacturers) to keep you entertained for a few hours and you can walk away saying that this is a new experience. Myst for DS does not do this and sorrowfully tarnishes my memories of the original from so long ago. Even if you have never played Myst and are curious, try finding an old CD-ROM version and save your money because this is not worth it.
Rankings based on a score of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best.
Rankings based on a score of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best.
Graphics: 2.0: This might be generous. Some of the details are still solidly clear and lifelike, but considering that it is still a direct port from 1994 and that most of the scenery can barely be made out on the DS’s small screens, this game should be used as an example of what you should NOT buy. Thank god I got this for free and even that can’t make up for the hour of my life wasted.
Audio: 3.0: SFX are still solid and make sense, but the vocals and music are hard to make out and are barely audible at all, even with the DS cranked to the max. Again, something that instead of being re-mastered or completely redone, just a straight port and that is not good enough from 1994 to 2008.
Plot/Plot Development: 6.5: The original plot of Myst was an intriguing one that would immerse its original gamers for days on end with complex puzzles and very round characters. Now though, due to the lack of improvements over the past 14 years, the entire product suffers so I can only give this a barely passable score.
Gameplay: 1.0: You would think that the point and click style would work well with the touch screen of the DS, but it does just the opposite. Since the screen is so small, it is very easy to click on one point and it sends you somewhere else instead. Since none of the clues are legible on the DS’s small screen either, it makes it nearly impossible to go anywhere in the game. This is a horrible disappointment.
Replay Value: 0.0: This game cannot even be given a score because never mind playing it again, you should not even play it once.
Overall: 0.0 (not an average): Not even worth the nostalgia of playing a once great game, this game should be avoided at all costs, plain and simple.
-Ray Carsillo
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