South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! takes this hugely popular franchise and sticks it in a tower defense game (hence the title). What is amazing is that South Park's cast of characters makes this straightforward, lackluster genre somewhat fun.
The basic plot is that a mysterious force is sending some of the boys' most nefarious foes from the past towards the heart of South Park in order to destroy the town once and for all! Homeless people, terrorists, ginger kids, demons, and old people just scratch the surface of the mindless hordes bent on destroying South Park as the boys must set up specially designed towers ranging from fast pitch baseball machines to magnifying glass powered lasers to cherry bomb launchers and fireworks to repel the invading forces over 11 levels from all over South Park and the surrounding area.

The best part of the game though is the scrapbook (inspired by the "Cartman Sucks" episode) in which you not only collect images of the foes you defeat along the way, but unlock over 80 original clips from the show highlighting the first appearances of these infamous villains ranging all the way back to Season 1.
Being downloadable content, don't expect the graphics to be crystal clear, but considering the animation style of South Park, it is more than forgivable. The audio though is top notch with the entire voice cast coming on to do voices and record thousands of original lines for this game.

The bottom line is that if you are a fan of South Park, you are going to want this game because it is hysterical, but I don't see it appealing to people otherwise. There are four difficulties to the game and they threw in five challenge maps for when you beat the 8-10 hour campaign, but aside from that there isn't a lot to bring you back to this except for a couple of classic laughs you might want to replay.
South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! is an Xbox Live exclusive, available tonight (which just so happens to coincide with the new season premiere) for 800 Microsoft Points (roughly $10) and considering the content you get, the price is well worth it if you are a South Park fan.
Ratings are based on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best.

Audio: 9.0: The game opens with the theme song and the entire cast came on board to voice over thousands of lines of dialogue so I can't give the audio a poor score. Generic SFX and background music in the levels though docks the overall score a point.
Plot/Plot Development: 9.0: Fans of the show will already be familiar with the surroundings and characters so since this is clearly marketed to the already established fan base (myself included) there wasn't a need to go into background details. The game starts off like an episode of the sitcom and continues over the course of the day. The mystery is developed well through the cut scenes and the surprise ending fit perfectly into what South Park is all about.
Gameplay: 6.0: Passable, but barely. The gameplay is a bit glitchy and I thought the switching between characters and selecting towers tool was difficult to use at best. The whole game, even with the challenge maps, is probably about 12 hours overall and doesn't get more straightforward than build towers, delay and kill enemies, don't die yourself.
Replay Value: 5.0: It is nice that you can do online co-op and play with lots of characters like Jimmy or Pip if you get tired of the boys, but there just isn't enough here that appeals to me to play through the campaign mode repeatedly on different difficulties to try to unlock all the various clips of episodes I've already seen countless times.
Overall (not an average): 7.5: If you love South Park, you will love this game because there is just enough polish to make you try to work through the entire campaign. If you don't like South Park, then you are going to want to avoid this game, but who doesn't like South Park? This game is sweeeeeeet.
-Ray Carsillo
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