After coming back from the dead for the umpteenth time; after being brainwashed, beaten, belittled, and battered; after having his character basically being made a joke of; finally, the Green Goblin is back. That’s right, after many months of teasing you that he would return as more than just the political head of the Thunderbolts, Norman Osbourn has finally donned the infamous green scales and purple imp outfit that he made famous.
In Thunderbolts #120, Thunderbolts Mountain is a mess. Psychics are being held captive inside and wreaking havoc upon the Thunderbolts from their jail cells, having the Thunderbolts turn on one another to the point that the team is a bloody mess, literally. After seeing hallucinations of the his Goblin gear scattered about the office, Norman has been driven to taking it out of storage and donning it in hopes of bringing his team under control…by any means necessary. Swordsman was crucified to a wall with shards of his own sword after being beaten to a pulp. Before that, Swordsman had to subdue Venom after he went cannibal…again. Radioactive Man is trying to give everyone cancer. It is a joke. The comic is spiraling out of control in terms of randomness, much like the Marvel Universe as a whole, and although this is actually somewhat entertaining to read, if they do not rein it back in soon, I will no longer read it because it is just too outlandish, just like Spider-Man with Brand New Day. I understand that saying a comic is outlandish is a little bit of an oxymoron, but I mean even by comic book terms the book is getting out of control. Although I am thrilled to see Green Goblin back as a sadistic madman, the way he should be, it also reminds me how much of a joke he was to begin with and why he was billed as Spider-Man’s greatest enemy still baffles me.
If you have been following the series, it is finally reaching the boiling point that we have been waiting a year and a half for, but after this cools back down, I would reconsider this as an every issue comic. They have taken some of the Marvel Universe’s best villains and made them soft and nothing more than punch lines in the other comics. Bringing back the Green Goblin is a good move, but depending on how it plays out will be the deciding factor on if I continue to read the Thunderbolts. If you have been reading Thunderbolts, continue to do so for a little while longer. If you haven’t, now is not the time to get into it and there might not be a time to get into after this story arc. More as it develops.
-Ray Carsillo
P.S.: In other comics news, Marvel has announced a new solo Deadpool series starting in September. Personally, I can’t wait to see the Merc with a Mouth get his own series going again, especially if it is just half as good as his cameos in the past few Wolverine Origin comics or the Cable and Deadpool series. If it gets anywhere near there, I will have a new favorite comic again.
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