Wait. They’re not teens anymore. So we are just calling them Titans? Weren’t the NY Jets called that before they were the Jets? Isn’t that already taken by a football team in Tennessee now? Is Vince Young in this too? Titles aside, the former Teen Titans, some former Outsiders, have been brought back together by some dark force that is trying to kill off anyone who once was a Teen Titan. After several current Titans are not so fortunate and attacks are coordinated elsewhere around the world on other former and current Titans, Nightwing (formerly the original Robin) of course realizes the pattern and the Titans are off to find Raven, who is suspected of being next on the hit list after Flash (formerly Kid Flash), Red Arrow (formerly Arsenal, even more formerly Speedy), Starfire, Beast Boy, Donna Troy (formerly Wonder Girl), and Cyborg all escape supernatural related, near death experiences. Upon encountering Raven, she reveals that the only being with enough power to pull off such an attack is her dear old dad, Trigon. Raven then confronts her giant red demon daddy on an astral plain where he reveals that she is not his only child and we are left on the cliffhanger that Raven has a brother who is orchestrating all these attacks in the name of Trigon.
Ok folks, now that I caught you up on the first two issues, what I thought would be an interesting series with lots of nostalgia thrown in considering the cast of characters is what I would call too much of a good thing. I look at these first two issues and the theme song from the Cartoon Network show screams in my head because that is how it seems to be playing out. Although the characters are drawn much better than the anime style from the show, everything else just screams that some people at DC got bored and decided to just take scripts from the cartoon and draw them the way they should have been drawn in the first place instead of the anime style they were done in which caused the cartoon to never be taken as seriously as it should have been.
This is a series that has potential, but if DC is not careful with these characters, it will end up the way of the cartoon series and in much less time. We want new adventures with these characters, not the same ones told in a different way. The only saving grace they have right now is that in my mind they are just using this first story arc to reintroduce and re-establish a lot of these characters in the minds of readers. If the second story arc doesn’t start mixing it up though, this title is coming off my list of monthlies. Simple as that. They spent a good amount of time building this up, it would be a shame to see it come crashing down faster than Paula Abdul after a night of binge drinking. Ooooh. Off-beat pop culture reference. Score one for the angry geek.
-Ray Carsillo
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