If you understood the AC/DC reference, then kudos to you. On that note, this week we look at New Avengers #40. The Secret Invasion story arc continues as we look for the first time at the Skrull point of view. It explains how important Earth is to the Skrulls as well as explains that this massive invasion was foretold with a minuscule glimpse into the Skrull Civil War. We also see how the Skrulls were able to develop the technology to mask themselves from the superheroes in every way possible.
These are crucial points to the story arc, questions and loose ends that had been unresolved to this point, and NEEDED to be explained in my opinion. Also, finally Marvel had done it. They promised you that you would not be able to choose sides in Civil War. They failed. They promised you a surprise blockbuster ending for World War Hulk. They failed. They promised you to return Spider-Man to his great roots in Brand New Day. They failed. Are you noticing the pattern here? Finally, for me what would be their last chance would be Secret Invasion with the promise of reveals that would turn the Marvel Universe upside down. Well folks, this issue put Marvel on the right track. Marvel finally might have delivered the goods. The one person you felt you could trust, maybe, was Spider-Woman because she went to Tony Stark with the body of the Elektra-Skrull. She had been in communiqué with Nick Fury, who is maybe the only other person you could trust in the Marvel Universe and who was pretty much cemented as trustable in previous Secret Invasion issues as he found out a Skrull imposter and killed her outright in his hotel. The issue ends with the queen of the Skrulls asking whose identity on Earth she could assume to help lead the invasion and the last page shows a Skrull scientist showing a hologram of Spider-Woman to the queen.
Now we don’t know if the queen took her identity, but it sure does throw a lot of questions out there and finally, Marvel’s promises are coming true. There really is not anyone you can trust in this thing. Hawkeye mysteriously came back from the dead, Iron Man turned on his friends, Luke Cage abandoned his wife. WHO IS A SKRULL? And no, Captain America was not a Skrull because when he died he did not revert like Elektra and Spider-Man is not a Skrull because the devil a.k.a. Mephisto should be able to tell if he was a Skrull before selling his marriage. Maybe though “Captain America” was in his form for so long though that maybe he wouldn’t revert on death and since the Skrulls can fool Dr. Strange, why not fool the devil himself? All these questions and more keep popping in my head, so finally, Marvel has done it. You just don’t know what is going to happen. This could make DC’s entire Crisis series look like child’s play in terms of a possible Universe re-launch. Stay tuned true believers!
Also, for more in-depth coverage of my time at ComicCon, you can go to the following website, towards the bottom of the page, courtesy of Gordon Damer of 1050 ESPN Radio, NY, on from 2AM-6AM Monday-Friday;
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-Ray Carsillo
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